Tooth Injury by Sport Accident

Accidents and Traumatic Tooth Injury

Accidents and Traumatic Tooth Injury All too often serious accidents happen today that result in serious personal injury as well as traumatic tooth damage. From automobile accidents to pedestrian accidents and bicycle accidents as well as slip and fall accidents in the home or at work seriously damaged teeth can result. Perhaps one of the…


When Might It Be Necessary To Choose Endodontic Care?

When Might It Be Necessary To Choose Endodontic Care? The main goal of today’s modern endodontist is to save teeth. These specialists are committed to helping patients maintain a natural smile for an entire lifetime. From an educational standpoint, an endodontist will typically have two additional years of education beyond general dentistry making them an…

Image of treatable cracked tooth

Understanding Cracked Teeth

Understanding Cracked Teeth While there are many conditions that can affect the teeth, cracked teeth are a common malady that can cause discomfort and even serious illness. From persistent and chronic erratic pain that occurs when chewing to sensitivity to temperature and other similar symptoms, cracked teeth can cause serious discomfort over the short and…