Endodontic retreatment and Save a tooth

Don’t be in a Hurry to extract a tooth! Dr. Sameti Saves Natural Teeth!

Don’t be in a Hurry to extract a tooth! Dr. Sameti Saves Natural Teeth! Today, it is easier than it has ever been in the past to save a natural tooth and avoid extraction. However, there are many cases where dental care providers across the country will recommend the extraction of a tooth where in…

Dr. Kevin K. Sameti - Root Canal Specialist in Pearland TX

Tell Me More About Root Canal Therapy

Tell Me More About Root Canal Therapy Root canal therapy or treatment is simply a process where injured or diseased sections of a tooth are removed so that the tooth may be saved. Root canal is important because it helps to relieve serious pain and can make teeth healthy and strong once again. The good…

Patient smiles after Endodontics treatment

Protecting Teeth And Saving A Beautiful Smile

Protecting Teeth And Saving A Beautiful Smile Dental injuries happen all too often in today’s busy world. That is why it’s so important to pay particular attention to protecting teeth and saving a beautiful smile. For the highest levels of self-esteem and self-confidence it is absolutely essential to keep your teeth looking great at all…

Saving Tooth with Endodontics Techniques

Understanding The Importance Of Endodontics

Understanding The Importance Of Endodontics Considered a highly specialized segment of dentistry, endodontics addresses issues related to diseases of the dental pulp as well as the supporting structures. An endodontist is a dentist, but with special and specific postgraduate education. The main purpose of this specialized training is to ensure that an endodontist is able…

Tooth Injury by Sport Accident

Accidents and Traumatic Tooth Injury

Accidents and Traumatic Tooth Injury All too often serious accidents happen today that result in serious personal injury as well as traumatic tooth damage. From automobile accidents to pedestrian accidents and bicycle accidents as well as slip and fall accidents in the home or at work seriously damaged teeth can result. Perhaps one of the…