Understanding Why Root Canal Treatment Does Not Cause Illness
There is an ongoing misunderstanding that root canal treatment somehow causes illness. In the simplest of terms, this is just not the case. Root canal treatment or endodontic procedures, contrary to information often circulated on the Internet, does not cause illness or disease in the body. In fact, there is currently no valid or substantiated scientific evidence that indicates root canal therapy causes disease or illness.
Bacteria Are Always Present
Today’s modern endodontic care takes advantage of the latest technology and advances in dental sciences to ensure that bacteria are eliminated from the infected root canal. This is important to making certain that a tooth is saved and that reinfection does not occur. It is a known fact that bacteria are always present in the mouth and around the teeth. However, the simple presence of bacteria does not automatically constitute infection or a threat to a person’s health. A healthy immune system will normally take care of bacteria in a natural way. Even more important to know is that tooth extraction is a traumatic type of procedure that can allow bacteria to enter into the patient’s bloodstream.
Cost-Effective And Sensible
Because root canal therapy is less invasive it is considered healthier by its very nature. Endodontic treatment is less intrusive and therefore less traumatic to the patient. With reduced trauma and less chance for bacterial intrusion, patients enjoy a healthier solution that results in saving a natural tooth as opposed to having a tooth pulled. It should be noted that there is currently no completely adequate replacement for natural teeth. That is why root canal treatment and professional restoration is a smart, cost-effective and sensible way of preserving or saving natural teeth. Contact South Houston Endodontics for root canal treatment in Houston.

Dr. Kevin K. Sameti

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